Original lyrics:
I'm not talkin' 'bout movin' in
and I don't want to change your life.
Misheard as:
I'm not talkin' 'bout:
- forgivin'
- the linen / the linens / my linens (How romantic!)
- aluminum (chemical element #1)
- a live in
- bulimia
- Lavinia
- Malydian (huh?)
- Bolivia
- committing (At least that makes some kind of sense)
- millennia / millennium /millenniums
- museum
- religion
- the limit
- 'ma lady' (Is that medieval or ghetto?)
- John Lennon
- Meridian
- molybdenum (chemical element #2)
- Mullet Inn (Come for the haircuts, stay for the fish?)
- a wedding / no wedding
- believin'
- iridium (chemical element #3. We're into some really obscure ones now!)
- my Lydia
- my layin' ya (A little too bold for the mood of this song, wouldn't you say?)
- my winnings
- my livin' / the livin'
- the women / my women (Again, not really a soft sell, is it?)
- relating
- relentin'
- that idiot (The speaker or somebody else?)
- that idiom
- the lily liver (That doesn't even scan!)
- the weather (Yes, Virginia, we can get more prosaic than "the linen".)
- Aborigine
- blamin'
- oblivion
- bellinin (Try googling it.)
- merlinin (Is that a little Merlin?)
- mood rhythm
- the Lady in Green (Continuing the "mythology of the British Isles" theme.)
- the Leonids
- the lenient
- the weekend
- more than friends (Sensible but doesn't scan.)
- no Indian (Next line: "And I don't want to join your tribe". Really!)
- Marillion
- but booty is
- relivin'
- melanin (More science!)
- the lady